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Questions tagged [close-reasons]

For instruction and guidance on closing or migrating questions and the reasons therefor.

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Migration paths - Mutual with History.SE?

Now that we're in public, I think we should have migration path close reasons: From here to Scifi.SE From here to History.SE Also, it might not be on topic to mention it here, but we should probably ...
durron597's user avatar
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-1 votes
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We should have a "trivially answered" close reason

The Stack Exchange model is to: Stack Exchange is a network of 142 communities that are created and run by experts and enthusiasts like you who are passionate about a specific topic. We build ...
durron597's user avatar
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12 votes
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Why is the Norse Giants/Trolls question being voted to close as too broad?

What is the difference between giants, Jotuns and trolls in Norse mythology? It has three votes as too broad. Here's the review task: I don't agree....
durron597's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why is this question too broad?

I'm referring to this question, which is now closed as Too Broad. I think this should be discussed, since I myself cannot decide whether it is too broad or not and some users seem to have cast reopen ...
codingEnthusiast's user avatar