I'm of the strong opinion that this is a good, answerable question in it's current form.
I understand why it might seem a little broad, but:
It has a clear scope. There is a finite list of terms that we are interested in, and it's explicitly limited to Norse mythology.
I don't believe it's possible to narrow the scope any further without already knowing the answer to the question in its current form. For all I know, all of the listed terms are the exact same entity, or they may be five totally different races.
On the other hand, I also think it has a little room for improvement, because the question body contains a couple of "tangential" questions like whether these beings are ugly or beautiful. It could perhaps be edited to clarify that those inconsistent depictions merely add to the OP's puzzlement, and the key question is still "Do these words refer to the same race or separate races, and if separate, how do you tell them apart?"